Video recipes for sales promotion
Inspiration for shopping. Original video recipes for Tatra as a reason to go to the store.


How to get even more Tatra products into Czech households?
Most people in Czechia already know Tatra products like milk, curds, salk and other dairy products. They also like to use them already. With all of that said, it was a real challenge to come up with an idea and format that would motivate buyers to use them even more.
All our thoughts began to converge on one point - we have to show people at the right time something inspiring (related to the Tatra brand) so they would go: "I want to try that!". So we came up with a set of simple, yet original recipes tailored to Tatra products and the current season of the year.

How to
Better by a drop of milk
So we asked ourselves:
What do we want? For the Tatra products to shine.
What does our target group want? Quick and interesting recipes that will please the whole family.
The solution to our challenge lies at the intersection of those two answers.
In addition, we thought our target group probably already have some of the products at home and is thinking about what to do with them right now. But worry not, as inspiration is coming, ladies and gentlemen.
We came up with 12 recipes:
Original iced coffee with raspberries or homemade popsicles for children in the summer.
A cream with apples for autumn.
A special, pomegranate-flavoured Mojito for the relaxed Christmas season.
A fresh smoothie bowl for spring.
To make the videos dynamic, we interspersed the typical videorecipe composition from the top with cuts from the side. The final videos have 60 seconds - not only to maintain the flow, but also to accomodate the Facebook and Instagram maximum length requirements.
A lickerish Czechia
Mission accomplished! With 4 million views and almost 3 million plays, we can say with a clear conscience that we were able to deliver what we promised. In addition, the price for one interaction was only CZK 0.26 (USD 0.012).
The goal of bringing a whiff of new possibilities for Czech households to use Tatra dairy products, and thus increase the need for customers to always have them at home, has been met.
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