Performance campaigns and leads
We improve the efficiency of T-Mobile performance campaigns
year-on-year increase in orders and leads from campaigns
year-on-year decrease of cost per action (CPA)
Performance first
In August 2018, we defeated 12 agencies in a tender and acquired the management of performance marketing of T-Mobile, a multinational telecommunications services provider and the largest mobile operator on the Czech market.
We currently manage T-Mobile’s performance campaigns for Google Ads and Sklik systems. Our main goal is to maximize conversions (web orders and leads) within the set budget of millions of CZK (tens of thousands of EUR) per month.
How to
Not all leads are equal
Our main KPI is the number of web orders. However, we soon found out how much the client's work with lead forms affects these orders. We also uncovered a huge hidden potential of the leads themselves.
What we had to deal with:
The client had multiple call centers, each with a different success rate.
The lead (customer) may not always be interested in a new service. Most of them only wanted advice, so we had to filter them out.
We had to know the expected value of the lead beforehand, not after the call and the settlement of contractual matters, which takes several days.
All variables were changing constantly over time and the same coefficients could not be used in the long run.
Using the BigQuery tool, we have incorporated the variables into automated reporting, thanks to which we can now estimate the number of signed contracts not only from leads, but also web orders. All these numbers are attributed to campaigns. We can thus respond to the success of the campaign almost immediately, not after a long administrative process of contract signing.
At the same time, we keep testing every new ad format and tactic from Google and Seznam, including alpha and beta versions.
Optimization brings results
Thanks to our optimization and approach to campaigns, we revealed the hidden potential of leads and, by reallocating the budget, significantly reduced the total cost of the signed contract.
We reduced the CPA by 14% and managed to increase the volume of campaign activations by 31% year-on-year, 37% of this number thanks to leads.
Automated reporting (developed internally in Marketup) helps to optimize campaigns, significantly streamlines the monitoring of the results of our work and at the same time provides valuable outputs for the work of the client's internal team.
Are you interested in our services?
We will contact you as soon as possible. You can also call us on