Influencer marketing on Instagram
Reach in the hundreds of thousands with no real budget? Makeup and wafers just go together.

increase in followers in 14 days.
users reached with almost zero financial support.

Finding fans who will fall in love with Mila and Milan
We have created the Instagram profile mila_sedita in the first quarter of 2020 and began to develop the life story of Milan and Mila - a couple who loves Mila wafers. The communication was supported with high-impact campaigns that reached 550,000 unique users and over 1.3 million impressions in a month and a half.
The aim wasn’t to increase followers for the sake of numbers, but rather to find devote fans who will follow the profile for a long time. Such users tend to interact more with the profile, which is always beneficial as each interaction improves the performance of the profile as a whole. Therefore, we targetet people already aligned with the brand.
How to
Finding a truly authentic influencer
We placed our bets on the combination of competition (that people will naturally want to take part in) and influencer marketing. The client wanted an influencer who truly respects the brand - not for the financial reward but for a true interest in the cooperation.
In the end, the choice fell on the beauty blogger and youtuber @petralovelyhair, who told us that she has the Mila wafer associated with her childhood and has mentioned it several times already on her instagram profile.
Why did we decide to work with Petra?
authentic interest in the brand
relevance of the target group (primarily women, 18+)
high number of followers (241K followers)
Petra announced the competition on her instagram and supported it with six stories. The winner would get a year-long, day-by-day supply of Mila wafers (365 pieces in total). The competitors had to do one thing. Take a picture with an original make-up in colors of the Mila brand. The other condition was to follow Petra's profile and @mila_sedita profile.
Increase in relevant followers
In 14 days, we were able to increase the number of followers by 444, an increase of 250 %. The numbers from Petr's profile were impressive as well and proved that influencer marketing makes sense.
Total reach of Petra’s posts - 280,000
Total views of Petra's posts - 372 664
Interactions with Petra’s posts - 1,245
Participants involved - 50+
Remember, this is just the Petr Lovelyhair posts’ organic reach. The competition was supported by a symbolic ad budget of 500 CZK (25 USD). More than fifty competitors did a great job that even a professional make-up artist would not be ashamed of.
One post communicating the competition was also published on the @mila_sedita profile. Both us and the client were satisfied with the results. Our plan is to use this tactic in a similar way much more often in the future. We have verified that a well-conceived influencer marketing really works and can bring better results than classic advertising.
Are you interested in our services?
We will contact you as soon as possible. You can also call us on