Instagram: Original video concept
Food with a taste of success, an Endless Table and an irresistible Instagram from BILLA

According to respondents, we have achieved an 80% better association of the content with the BILLA brand than last year.
of respondents rated Billa with a grade of 1 or 2

How to stand out on Instagram?
Anyone can be a food blogger these days, especially on Instagram. You will find so many stylish food photos or videos that it takes a good dose of creativity and good ideas not to get lost among them. Fortunately, we have both in Marketup.
With our client BILLA, we were thinking about how to build our communication strategy on social media as effectively as possible in order to be expressive and at the same time bring results. We set several goals for his brand communication on Instagram:
Differentiate brand from the competition and catch the eye at first glance
Assemble a diverse mix of photos from Billa, influencers and occasionally from a foreign agency into one unified feed
The audience must immediately identify the communication with the brand
We came up with a concept called an Endless Table.

How to
Irresistible video recipes and food photo
Irresistible video recipes and food photo
Our concept works like a never-ending canvas that we can use to present recipes, products and the brand itself. On the table, in addition to recipes, you will also find branded products or fresh ingredients. In a way, it is a very subtle product placement.
Those who start salivating when looking at photos will find recipes directly in the post or in the bio. There are links to video recipes from our production of the Billa Gusto Academy blog.
This connects Instagram and the blog into one meaningful communication platform, including the printed magazine BILLA Gusto, where certain recipes can be also found and the reader can access them online by using a QR code.
We know that everyone has a different taste, therefore, users can find baked goods, sweet meals, meat dishes, vegan and vegetarian menus, parents' recipes, brunch ideas, inspiration from the world cuisine and much more on our Endless Table.
Whenever possible, recipes and ingredients are linked to the current leaflet or other ongoing promotional campaign.
To make such a concept work in the long run, it is necessary to have a well-coordinated team, where everyone knows exactly what they are doing and what they need from others.
What have we achieved?
What have we achieved?
We have verified the impact in our own research run on the IPSOS panel according to CZSO standards.
We have compared the Instagram feed before 2019 and the current feed of the BILLA account with the profiles of other retail chains.
We have tested the likability and the level of association of the content with the brand.
Of the seven accounts compared, BILLA performed the best. To give you an idea, here are a few highlights:
Compared to the average of the competition, BILLA received a grade of 1 or 2 27,6% more often.
58% of respondents rated Billa with a grade of 1 or 2, with the best performance on the age group 36-44.
According to respondents, we have achieved an 80% better association of the content with the BILLA brand than last year.
In the end, the client and we are satisfied. And that is the best possible result.
Are you interested in our services?
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