Client satisfaction survey results: How did we do?

Radim Petlach 24. 1. 2024

At Marketup, high client satisfaction is not only a catchy slogan, but above all our mission. Since 2016, we have been carefully tracking how our clients rate our cooperation through the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey. We are happy to say that we are not only maintaining the high standard of previous years, but even increasing it. The result at the end of 2023 was a beautiful triumph - we achieved our highest ever NPS score of +83.

Net Promoter Score is a widely recognized tool for measuring customer loyalty and overall satisfaction with a product or service. It is a simple but powerful method based on one key question, "How likely are you to recommend our company, product or service to a friend or colleague?"

Responses are rated on a scale of 0 (not likely) to 10 (very likely). Based on these responses, respondents are classified as 'Promoters' (score 9-10), 'Passive' (score 7-8) and 'Detractors' (score 0-6).


This indicator provides a clear view of customer satisfaction and loyalty and is often used for strategic decision-making to improve products, services and the overall customer experience.

Our satisfaction questionnaire is not limited to just 1 question. We ask clients about their satisfaction in key areas of collaboration and identify key areas to strengthen the relationship going forward. We then discuss all suggestions with clients at regular meetings.

How Net Promoter Score is calculated

The percentage of disloyal clients, i.e. detractors, is subtracted from the highly loyal ones, i.e. promoters, and the result is the NPS value. This can range from -100 to +100. But what to do with the resulting value? Generally, the following translation is given:

  • A result of 0 to +50 is considered good.

  • A result of +50 to +70 is considered excellent.

  • A result above +70 is considered first class.

Survicate, the platform we use, reports that the average in the advertising industry is +33 NPS, with the top 25% of the most successful companies achieving +57 NPS. What value did we get in our survey?

Recognition of cooperation in the form of a record NPS

In the last survey conducted at the end of 2023, we achieved a score of +83 NPS, which we consider a phenomenal result. We have thus surpassed the previous record of +72 NPS set at the beginning of 2023.

We always carefully analyze each feedback, either within the agency management or at the level of individual teams, so that we can continuously improve our services in line with our clients' comments and suggestions. We are very grateful to our clients for their feedback. We are not resting on our laurels and we will continue to ensure maximum satisfaction in 2024.

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